Sunday, October 19, 2014

Lemon & Dill Salmon

I was looking for something lighter this week. Instead of a hearty steak or protein-packed chicken, I went with a fresh piece of salmon baked with butter, dill and lemon. I picked up a medium sized filet from Publix, and paired it with a side of steamed broccoli. 


1 Salmon filet
1 Lemon
Dill weed (sprinkled)


Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Take your filet and lay it skin side down on greased aluminum foil. Spread butter onto filet. Sprinkle filet with either fresh or jar dill weed.
And top with lemon wedges. Add salt and pepper to taste. 
Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, or until fish flakes when touched with a fork.

All of these effortless (yet scrumptious) meals keep me well fed and leave me with plenty of time for homework!


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