Sunday, October 12, 2014

Canning 101

Two words: Dilly Beans! These pickled green beans have a hint of garlic, a zest of fresh dill and just the right amount of kick. I purchased my mason jars at the dollar store. It is recommended to sterilize the jars and their lids before the pickling process. For that, bring water to a boil in a large pot and submerse jars and lids for 5 minutes. Set jars aside to dry. 

In your pot combine:

6 cups of water
6 cups of distilled white vinegar
1 cup kosher salt
Bring the brine to a boil and reduce heat to simmer while you pack your jars.

In your jars combine:

2 cloves of garlic (per jar)
2 sprigs of fresh dill (per jar)
1 tbsp whole black peppercorns (per jar)
And 2 red chile pepper sliced thing dispersed equally into each jar 

Lastly, pack jars full of green beans and ladle the hot brine over each leaving a little space at the top. It takes two weeks for these dilly beans to become completely pickled, but it doesn't hurt to try them. Though the longer they sit, the better!


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