Sunday, September 28, 2014

So Long Sweet Summer Salad

As autumn is among us, I try in almost every way to keep summer around. School is back in session and beach days are things of the past, but this salad serves as a fond memory of the simpler times. The sweet, crunchy watermelon plays tag on your tongue with the salty feta cheese, while the cucumber and candied pecans offer more texture. What better way to bring it together that with your finest oil and vinegar dressing!

In your bowl combine:

1 bag of spring mix (or preferred lettuce)
¼ lb. watermelon (thinly cubed)
½ medium cucumber (sliced)

Top off with:

Candied pecans (sprinkled)
Feta cheese (sprinkled)
Oil & Vinegar (drizzled)
Salt & pepper to taste

Serves 2-4


Creative Commons License
Watermelon Feta Salad by Sarabeth Scully is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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